If you think you can’t take advantage of personalized print marketing because you only have a person’s name and address, take heart! There are three highly effective approaches to personalization that you can deploy with just two data points.

Let’s take a look…


  1. Know Their House, Know Their Needs

You can learn a lot about someone only by their physical address. Using addresses to determine which homeowners live in townhouses, single-family homes, and older homes allows you to craft your offer and messaging more precisely. Someone with a home over 25 years old, for example, may need roofing and window replacements. Homeowners with new construction might need landscaping or deck treatments.

  1. Maps by Distance and Location

Sometimes it’s not the type of home someone lives in that drives the messaging. It’s where you want them to go. This is where personalized mapping can be very useful. Using the recipient’s address, you can create customized maps from their home to the desired location. This approach is excellent for event marketing and store openings. Imagine—the recipient comes home to a direct mailer about the opening of a new restaurant, a new branch at the bank, or a new fitness club. The mailer provides a discount for their first purchase, then includes a personalized map from their house to the location, along with estimated drive times.

  1. “Yes, Ma’am, Yes, Sir”

With the right software, you can personalize the salutation and other information in your mailer by adding a gender field to your database. Using special software can open a whole new world of personalization, including customized messaging, imagery, and product selection based on gender. Be sure to set up gender-neutral messaging and imagery for names that the software does not recognize; or those, such as Bobbie or Leslie, that cross gender lines.


Need help getting the most out of your database? Call or email me to discuss your options. I would love to help you!

Dana Wolfe, Print Specialist,    423-677-2202   dwolfe@clinchvalleyprinting.com

Posted Apr 04, 2019